Emergency Plumbing Problems – When You Really Need A Plumber!

Problems that involve calling a plumber can be a real nuisance for any homeowner.

While it is important to have plumbing issues resolved as quickly as possible, not every plumbing problem requires an emergency call for services.

Avoid the extra cost of calling for emergency plumbing services by understanding what a true emergency is and when the issue should receive immediate professional attention.

Other chronic or less severe concerns can usually be handled with a scheduled appointment at the plumber’s earliest available time.

1. Can’t Stop The Water

The most urgent time when someone should immediately call a ;plumber for emergency services is when there is some sort of plumbing damage and it is impossible to shut off the water.

Flooding inside the house due to a burst pipe or broken fixture combined with the inability to shut off the water at the main water source is a definite emergency.

A broken outdoor spigot or water service line is also an emergency plumbing issue that should receive immediate attention.

Any time the water is running and a homeowner is unable to turn it off, seek emergency assistance from a local plumber.

2. Sewer Back-Ups or Strong Odors

The second most urgent time when someone should call to have an emergency plumbing problem addressed quickly is when there is a sudden problem with the sewer line into the house.

Sewer back-ups that allow water and waste material in the sewer line to flow back into the house via toilets or drains are health hazards that should be repaired immediately.

Similarly, if there is a sudden sewer odor coming into the house, this should also be considered an emergency plumbing issue, as sewer gases can be toxic to breathe.

Sewer gas smells are also frequently mistaken for natural gas leaks, which also require immediate attention for health and safety reasons.

3. Water Not Running

Though not quite as serious as the previous two emergency plumbing problems, if water is not running at a residence, this is also a reason to arrange immediate assistance.

Unless there is a known outage due to work happening to plumbing lines, every home should have water flowing to it.

A plumber should be called to come diagnose and repair the problem quickly, especially during the hot summer, as access to clean drinking and bathing water is essential for everyone.

Call For Help for These 3 Emergency Plumbing Problems

Though there are many plumbing problems that require the attention of a trained plumber, some are more urgent than others.

Emergency plumbing problems that should be resolved immediately are those that pose a threat to someone’s health and safety, like those mentioned above.

Beyond these three emergency plumbing issues, most other concerns like broken water heaters, clogged sinks or drains, low water pressure, and other minor issues can usually be dealt with on a scheduled basis.

When in doubt, contact a local plumbing service and explain the issue so they can determine the severity of the problem and whether emergency services are required!

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